A. Tarsitano 

Lo scatterplot in tre dimensioni come tecnica di analisi di dati

The classical scatterplot represents data by placing a mark for each observations in the (x,y) plane. While a scatterplot by itself is an efficient graphic tool, its visual message can be substantially increased by showing a projection of a three-dimensional scatterplot of the data. If a series of projections is plotted in sequence as the viewer would see them while moving through three-dimensional space, the parallax resulting from motion enables the user to get a convincing and accurate perception of the point cloud as a three-dimensional object. The dynamic scatterplot is a powerful new technique which makes it possible to detect and to describe structure in data that is very difficult or impossible to see with any other technique of two-dimensional display.

cinegrammi, MACSPIN, grafica multivariata

(*)  Lavoro comparso negli  Atti della XXXIV riunione scientifica della SIS, Siena 27-30 aprile 1988, 247-252
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