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Giovanni Anania


Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza
Università della Calabria
I-87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS)      Italy

Tel.+39 0984 492406
Fax +39 0984 492409



Curriculum vitae and publications




Fields of Interest



1978 "Laurea" in Economics
University of Calabria, Italy
1981 Post-graduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics
CSREAM, University of Naples, Italy
1982 Post-graduate Diploma in Social Science Data Analysis [with distinction]
University of Essex (UK)
1985 Master of Arts in Social Science Data Analysis
University of Essex (UK)
1987 Master of Sciences in Agricultural Economics
University of California, Davis (USA)
1988 Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
University of California, Davis (USA)



1981 - 1983 Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Calabria, Italy.
1983 - 1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calabria, Italy.
1987 - 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calabria, Italy.
1999 - Professor, Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance, University of Calabria, Italy.

Selected Publications (before 2006)

"Differenziazioni aziendali e modelli di classificazione: i risultati di  un'applicazione  di  analisi  fattoriale", Rivista di Economia Agraria, 3, 1981, pp. 455-479.

"Proposta di un metodo per l'analisi della stratificazione aziendale in agricoltura", La Questione Agraria, 5, 1982, pp. 141-178.

         "Domestic Farm Policies and the  Gains from Trade: Comment", American Journal of Agricultural Economics,  August  1988,  pp. 735- 739 (with  Mary Bohman).

"Welfare  Implications  of  a  Preferential  Tariff  Reduction  for Agricultural Exports from Less  Developed Countries vs. a Generalized Tariff Reduction", Agricultural Economics, 3, 1989, pp. 23-48.

"Differenziazioni  aziendali, dinamiche  familiari  e trasformazione dell'agricoltura in un'area del Mezzogiorno", in M. De Benedictis, ed.,  Trasformazioni agrarie e pluriattività in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1990, pp. 129-193 (with Franco Gaudio).

"Liberalizzazione del commercio  internazionale dei prodotti agricoli e paesi in via di sviluppo", in M. Gorgoni and A. Zezza (eds.),  Scarsità e sovrapproduzione nell'economia agro-alimentare, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1990, pp. 31-98.

"Does Arbitraging  Matter?  Spatial  Trade  Models and Discriminatory Trade Policies", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February 1991, pp. 103-117, (with Alex F. McCalla).

“United States Export  Subsidies  in  Wheat:  Strategic  Trade  Policy  or an Expensive Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Tactic?", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, August 1992, pp. 534-545 (with Mary Bohman and Colin Carter).

"Analyse des conséquences du programme d'encouragement à l'exportation (EEP) des Etats-Unis sur le marché mondial du blé", Economie Rurale, 210, Luglio-Agosto 1992,  pp. 3-9 (with Mary Bohman and Colin Carter).

"Differenziazioni aziendali, pluriattività, domanda, offerta e "consumo" di politiche nel Mezzogiorno", in Strategie familiari, pluriattività e politiche agrarie, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1992, pp. 239-314 (with Franco Gaudio and Giuseppe Gaudio).

          Agricultural Trade Conflicts and GATT. New  Dimensions in U.S.-European Agricultural Trade  Relations, ed., Westview Press, Boulder, 1994 (with Colin A. Carter and Alex F. McCalla).

 "Assessing the  impact  of  agricultural  technology  improvements in developing countries in the presence of policy distortions", European Review of Agricultural Economics, (22),  1, 1995, pp. 5-24 (with Alex F. McCalla).

L'accordo Gatt in agricoltura e l'Unione  Europea, ed., Franco Angeli, Milano, 1996 (with Fabrizio De Filippis).

"Policy choices  and  interdependence  of  country  decisions  in the implementation of the 1994  GATT  Agreement on agriculture", European Review of Agricultural Economics, (24), 2, 1997, pp. 161-181.

Valutare gli effetti della Politica Agricola Comune. Lo “stato dell’arte” dei modelli per l’analisi quantitativa degli effetti delle politiche agricole dell’Unione Europea, ed., NIS, Napoli, 2001.

Scelte pubbliche, strategie private e sviluppo economico in Calabria. Conoscere per decidere, ed, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2001.

Policy vision for sustainable rural economies in an enlarged Europe”, in Policy vision for sustainable rural economies in an enlarged Europe, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hanover, 2003 (with Jan Blom, Allan Buckwell, Francois Colson, Tomas Garcia-Azcarate, Joel Mathurin, Ewa Rabinowicz, Elena Saracano, José Sumpsi,  Winfried von Urff, and Jerzy Wilkin).

Public Regulation as a Substitute for Trust in Quality Food Markets. What if the Trust Substitute cannot be Fully Trusted?”, Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics, 160, (4), 2004, pp. 681-701 (with Rosanna Nisticò).

Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO. Where Are We Heading?, eds, Edward Elgar, Cheltenam (UK), 2004 (with Mary E. Bohman, Colin A. Carter and Alex F. McCalla). (Book review, Journal of Economic Literature, December 2005, by Emma Aisbett)

La riforma delle politiche agricole dell’UE ed il negoziato WTO. Il contributo di alcune ricerche quantitative alla valutazione dei loro effetti sull’agricoltura italiana, ed, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2005.

         "The negotiations on agriculture in the Doha Development Agenda Round: current status and future prospects", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32, (4), 2005, pp. 539-550 (with Jean-Christophe Bureau).


Recent Publications (since 2006)

Negoziati WTO: pausa o fallimento?", L'Informatore Agrario, 45, 2006, p. 7.

"The 2005 WTO arbitration and the new EU import regime for bananas: a cut too far?", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 33, (4), 2006, pp. 449-484.

"Dopo la "sospensione" del negoziato WTO, cosa ci aspetta?", Politica Agricola Internazionale, n.4, 2006, pp. 3-9.

"Foresighting food, rural and agri-futures", European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, February 2007 (with T. Gaudin, coordinator, and J. Cassingena-Harper, K. Cuhls, L. Downey, J. Leyten, J. E. Olesen, Y. Schenkel, M. Walls and P. Raspor).

"The Global Market for Olive Oil: Actors, Trends, Policies, Prospects and Research Needs", Contributed Paper, 103rd EAAE Seminar, "Adding Value to the Agro-food Supply Chain in the Future Euro-Mediterranean Space", Barcelona (Spain), 23-25 April 2007 (with Maria Rosaria Pupo D'Andrea).

"Il fallimento di Potsdam mina la Wto", L'Informatore Agrario, 28, 2007, p. 7.

"Negoziati commerciali multilaterali, accordi preferenziali e politiche agricole dell'Unione Europea", QA-Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria, 3, 2007, pp. 75-123.

"The 2006 Reform of the EU Domestic Policy Regime for Bananas. An Assessment of Its Impact on Trade", Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, (4), 2, 2008, pp. 255-271.

"Ruralità, urbanità e ricchezza dei comuni italiani", QA-Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria, 1, 2008, pp. 71-103 (with Alessia Tenuta).

"Il futuro dei pagamenti diretti nell'Health check della Pac: regionalizzazione, condizionalità e disaccoppiamento", in  Fabrizio De Filippis (ed.), L'Health Check della Pac. Una valutazione delle prime proposte della Commissione, Quaderni del Gruppo 2013, Edizioni Tellus, Roma, March 2008, pp. 29-39.

"L’aumento dei prezzi agricoli: quali implicazioni per le politiche?", in  Fabrizio De Filippis, (ed.), Prezzi agricoli ed emergenza alimentare. Cause, effetti, implicazioni per le politiche, Quaderni del Gruppo 2013, Edizioni Tellus, Roma, Ottobre 2008, pp. 101-110.

Effetti della regionalizzazione degli aiuti nel regime di pagamento unico sulla loro distribuzione spaziale in Italia, Gruppo 2013, Working Paper  n. 9, Ottobre 2008 (with Alessia Tenuta). Appendice Statistica.

"Lo stallo del negoziato WTO e il processo di riforma delle politiche agrarie dell'Unione Europea", Economia & Diritto Agroalimentare, (14), 1, 2009, pp. 11-20.

"The EU agricultural policy from a long run perspective: implications from the evolution of the global context", Invited paper presented 
at the Workshop on "Reflections on the Common Agricultural Policy from a long run perspective", organized by the European Commission, Bureau of 
European Policy Advisers (Brussels, 26 February, 2009), 2009 []. 
"Les tentations protectionnistes d'Obama", Alternatives Internationales, (43), June 2009. 

How would a WTO agreement on bananas affect exporting and importing countries?, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development,
Issue Paper No. 21, Geneva, June 2009.

"Bananas, Economic Partnership Agreements and the WTO" , Bridges, (13), 3, July-August 2009, pp. 19-20. [appeared in Trade Negotiations Insights,
(8), 8, October 2009, pp. 6-7 and in Eclairage sur les Négociations, (8), 8, October 2009, pp. 6-7]

"Il futuro della pac è già cominciato", L'Informatore Agrario, 44, 20 novembre 2009, p. 7.
"EU Economic Partnership Agreements and WTO Negotiations. A Quantitative Assessment of Trade Preference Granting and Erosion in the Banana
Market", Food Policy, (35), 2, 2010, pp. 140-153. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.11.001).
[****PRESS exposure**** received by this research at the time of 	the signing of the agreement ending the WTO dispute on bananas]

"Ideas, Institutions, and Trade. The WTO and the Curious Role of EU Farm Policy in Trade Liberalization, by C. Daugbjerg and A. Swinbank", book review, European Review of Agricultural Economics, (37), 2, 2010, pp. 275-279.

"Multilateral trade negotiations and the CAP", in S. Senior Nello and P. Pierani (eds), International Trade, Consumer Interests and Reform of the
Common Agricultural Policy
,  Routledge, 2010, pp. 120-162.

The Implications for Bananas of the Recent Trade Agreements between the EU and Andean and Central American Countries”, Trade Negotiations Insights, (9), 7, 2010, pp. 8-9.

Professional Interest, New Issues and Recent Methodological Developments in Agricultural and Resource Economics”, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, (59), 2010, pp. 129-132 (with Roland Herrmann).

"The impact on the Banana Market of the Economic Partnership Agreements and of the Possible Conclusion of Bilateral and Multilateral WTO Trade
Negotiations", Acta Horticolturae, 879, 2010, pp.151-159.

"How Well Have we Done and Where Should We Go from Here? Perspectives from Around the World", in A. F. McCalla, E. Rossmiller and L. Bipes (eds), IATRC: Celebrating the First Thirty Years, Iatrc, 2010, pp. 52-58 (with J. Rude and D. MacLaren).

La dispersione dei prezzi al consumo. I risultati di un’indagine empirica sui prodotti alimentari” Working paper, Gruppo 2013, n. 16,
February 2011, pp. 1-38 (with Rosanna Nisticò).

Olive Oil in the Mediterranean Area: Production, Consumption and Trade, The CIHEAM Watch Letter, No. 16, Winter 2011,
pp. 1-6 (with Maria Rosaria Pupo D’Andrea).
(the paper is also available in French  and in Arabic).

"Price dispersion, search costs and consumers and sellers heterogeneity in retail food markets", Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica, Working Paper n. 05-2011, 2011, pp. 1-44 (with Rosanna Nisticò).

“Parlons Graphiques: On the Equity of CAP Payments”, EuroChoices, (10), 1, 2011, pp.24-25.

"Foreword", in Luca de Benedictis and Luca Salvatici (eds), The Trade Impact of European Union Preferential Policies. An Analysis Through Gravity Models, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2011, pp. vii-viii (with Jean-Christophe Bureau).

"Implications of Trade Policy Changes for the Competitiveness of Ecuadorian Banana Exports to the EU Market", International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper No 10, Geneve, July 2011. (available also in Spanish: Implicaciones de los Cambios en la Política Comercial para la Competitividad de las Exportaciones de Banano Ecuatoriano al Mercado de la UE)

"Calibrating Spatial Models of Trade", Economic Modelling, 28, 2011, pp. 2509-2516 (with Quirino Paris and Sophie Drogué)

“La Pac dopo il 2013: quella che servirebbe, quella che probabilmente verrà (e perchè)”, in Eva Rook Basile and Alberto Germanò (eds.),
Agricoltura e in-sicurezza alimentare, tra crisi della Pac e mercato globale,
Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2011, pp. 181-196.

"Implicationes de los cambios de la politica comercial de la UE sobre la competitividad de las exportaciones ecuatorianas de banano", Puentes, XII,
(1), February 2012, pp. 6-7.

"La nuova PAC 2014-2020. Un'analisi delle proposte della Commissione (Intervento)", in F. De Filippis (edt.), La nuova PAC 2014-2020.
Un'analisi delle proposte della Commissione, Edizioni Tellus, Rome, 2012, pp. 131-137. 
"Two simple new bibliometric indexes to better evaluate research in disciplines where publications typically receive less citations", Scientometrics, 
96, 2013, pp. 617-631 (with Annarosa Caruso).
"Tracce di futuro. Un'indagine esplorativa sui giovani Coldiretti, di D. Cersosimo, Donzelli Editore, 2012", book review, QA Rivista dell'Associazione
Rossi-Doria, 3, 2013, pp. 187-190.
"Agricultural Export Restrictions and the WTO: What Options do Policy-Makers Have for Promoting Food Security?", ICTSD (International Centre 
for Trade and Sustainable Development), Programme on Agricultural Trade and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper No 50, Geneve, November 2013.
"Modeling trade policies under alternative market structures", Journal of Policy Modeling, 36, 2014, pp. 185-206 (with Margherita Scoppola).
"Price dispersion and seller heterogeneity in retail food markets", Food Policy, 44, 2014, pp. 190-201 (with Rosanna Nisticò).
"Restricciones a las exportaciones agrícolas y la OMC. Opciones para promover la seguridad alimentaria”, Puentes, (15), 1, February 2014, pp. 4-7. 
[appeared in Portoguese in Pontes, (10), 2, April 2014; in Russian in МОСТЫ, (3), May 2014; in French in Passerelle, (15), 3, July 2014, and in 
English in Bridges Africa, (3), 9, November 2014]

"Export restrictions and food security", in Ricardo Meléndes-Ortiz, Christophe Bellmann e Jonathan Hepburn (eds.), Tackling Agriculture in 
the Post-Bali Context, Ictsd, Geneva, 2014, pp. 183-192.
"Alimentazione e ricerca economica: le sfide, le responsabilità", AgriRegioniEuropa, (10) 39, Dicembre 2014, pp. 1-3.
"European Association of Agricultural Economists", International Innovation, 169, 2014, pp. 84-86.
"La sicurezza alimentare nel negoziato Wto sull’agricoltura", AgriRegioniEuropa, (11) 40, March 2015, pp. 39-42.
"The 2013 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy", in Jo Swinnen (edt), The Political Economy of the 2013 CAP Reform, CEPS, 
Brussels, forthcoming (with Maria Rosaria Pupo D'Andrea). 

"The WTO context", in A. Oskam, G. Meester e H. Silvis (eds), EU policy for agriculture, food and rural areas, Wageningen Academic 
Publishers, Wageningen, third revised edition, 2014, forthcoming (con P. Gooren, R. Huige e G. Stanton).

Last update: March 2015.